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How to treat sunburn?

Sunburn is a condition. In which the skin is damaged by ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or from tanning beds. Symptoms of a sunburn include red, swollen, warm, and possibly blistered skin, and a painful, burning sensation. In some cases, headaches, nausea, and vomiting

Why "Do not cover yourself with a wet cloth" for heatstroke patients?

Why “Do not cover yourself with a wet cloth” for heatstroke patients?

The weather is extremely hot during this time. There will be even more performance activities. Outdoor processions during the Songkran festival can cause heat stroke or ” heat stroke ,” which the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health has warned. Ready to recommend actions to protect yourself

What are the benefits of vitamin B complex? And who should eat it?

What are the benefits of vitamin B complex? And who should eat it?

Vitamin B complex or B Complex Vitamin is a B vitamin that nourishes the body and nervous system. which contains various types of B vitamins But because vitamin B complex is a water-soluble vitamin. And we can find it in our daily diet. But sometimes certain factors can mean your