Benefits of “Whole Wheat Bread” and precautions you should know before eating it

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Whole wheat bread is a flour that is recommended to be eaten more than general white bread. There are both benefits and precautions that you should know before consuming.

Whole wheat bread is brown bread made from whole or unrefined wheat flour. It is classified as a type of health food because it is rich in nutrients, minerals, and various vitamins that are beneficial to the body, such as dietary fiber, vitamin B, vitamin E, calcium, iron, and antioxidants. Many scientific studies support that Consumption of whole wheat bread. May help reduce blood sugar levels. Against heart disease and blood vessels and can prevent the risk of certain types of cancer

Benefits of "Whole Wheat Bread" and precautions you should know before eating it

Whole wheat bread nutritional information, benefits and precautions for consumption.

Whole wheat bread is brown bread made from whole or unrefined wheat flour. It is classified as a type of health food. Because it is rich in nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are beneficial to the body. Such as dietary fiber, vitamin B, vitamin E, calcium, iron, antioxidants. Many scientific studies support that Consumption of whole wheat bread May help reduce blood sugar levels Against heart disease and blood vessels and can prevent the risk of certain types of cancer

Nutritional value of whole wheat bread

100 grams of whole wheat bread provides approximately 254 kilocalories of energy, including various nutrients as follows โปรโมชั่น ufabet:

  • Carbohydrates 43.1 grams
  • Protein 12.3 grams
  • Fat 3.55 grams
  • Sodium 450 mg
  • Potassium 250 mg
  • Phosphorus 212 mg
  • Calcium 163 mg
  • Magnesium 76.6 mg
  • Vitamin C 55 mg
  • Phosphorus 39 mg
  • Choline (Choline) 27.2 milligrams
  • Selenium 25.8 micrograms

In addition, whole wheat bread also contains minerals such as manganese, iron, copper, zinc and various vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9.

Benefits of whole wheat bread for health

Whole wheat bread is rich in nutrients that are beneficial to health. There are scientific research studies supporting the health-promoting properties of whole wheat bread as follows:

  1. May help reduce obesity

whole grain wheat Including other whole-grain cereals has properties that help speed up the metabolism of nutrients in the body into energy. Therefore, consuming whole-wheat bread made from whole-grain wheat Therefore, it may help control weight or reduce obesity.

a piece of research Study on the effectiveness of whole wheat on visceral fat levels Published in the journal Plant Foods for Human Nutrition in 2018, researchers divided 50 Japanese participants with a BMI equal to or greater than 23 into two groups. The first group was given food containing Whole grain wheat is an ingredient. The other group had to consume food containing refined wheat as an ingredient for the same period of 12 weeks. When the experimental period was over, it was found that the participants in the group consuming food containing whole grain wheat as an ingredient Abdominal size has decreased by approximately 4 square centimeters. Meanwhile, the group consuming foods containing refined wheat as an ingredient did not experience any changes.

The researchers therefore concluded that Consuming whole wheat foods may help prevent obesity due to the accumulation of large amounts of visceral fat.

  1. May help relieve symptoms of diabetes.

Whole wheat bread, as well as other whole grain foods, are rich in fiber and low on the glycemic index. When consumed into the body Therefore, it does not cause the sugar level to increase too high. It also stimulates cells to better respond to the hormone insulin, which is responsible for controlling blood sugar levels from getting too high. Consumption of whole wheat bread may therefore help control blood sugar levels in diabetic patients and prevent various complications that may occur.

a piece of research About the consumption of whole grains and refined grains to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, published in the European Journal of Epidemiology in 2013, researchers studied research from a large database, including studies that studied A group of 16 people related to the disease concluded that Consuming large quantities of whole grains May help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Researchers recommend consuming approximately 60 grams of whole grains per day to prevent diabetes.

  1. May help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke

Whole grains are high in dietary fiber, which effectively reduces the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream and helps normal blood circulation. Consumption of whole wheat bread Therefore, it may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease.

a piece of research About the relationship between whole grain consumption and the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other causes of death. Published in the journal BMJ in 2016, researchers looked at 45 studies, finding additional evidence about the benefits of whole grains in helping Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. In conclusion, consuming whole grains Especially in the form of bread or cereal. May help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other causes of death such as diabetes, respiratory disease, and infectious diseases.

  1. May help prevent certain types of cancer.

Whole wheat bread made from whole grains has the following properties:

  • Rich in many types of carbohydrate nutrients such as dietary fiber, starch, oligosaccharides. (Oligosaccharides) that when consumed will help reduce the pH or alkaline pH in the intestines. If the pH is high, it can increase the risk of colon cancer .
  • Rich in various antioxidants such as trace minerals and phenolic compounds, which have anti-cancer properties.
  • Contains phytoestrogens (Phytoestrogens) which have the effect of preventing cancer that may be caused by hormonal abnormalities in the body. such as breast cancer and prostate cancer
  • Consumption of whole wheat bread may help prevent certain types of cancer.

a piece of research About dietary fiber whole grains and colon cancer risk Published in the journal BMJ in 2011, researchers studied 25 studies and found the conclusion that Consuming large amounts of dietary fiber Especially from whole grains May help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Consuming 90 grams of whole grains per day may reduce the risk of colon cancer by approximately 20 percent, and increasing the amount may reduce the risk even more.

Precautions for consuming whole wheat bread

People with wheat allergies should avoid consuming whole wheat bread. Because it may cause an allergic reaction. If you want to consume whole grain bread Choose bread made from rye or oats instead.

In addition, patients with irritable bowel syndrome Still shouldn’t consume whole wheat bread. Because some carbohydrates in wheat It may cause symptoms to relapse.